Restorative Yoga for Recoveries, Monday from 9.15 – 10.15am, term time only
Evening Yoga, Monday from 7 – 8pm
Story Yoga, Thursday @ 8.15am
Story Yoga:
Story Yoga is a great start to the week for your little one with a story, some stretching, chanting and relaxing. Through words and actions to promote kindness and purity of heart, we’ll salute the sun and move through a story. Flowing movement, still poses and little life lessons will lead to a quiet finish with full breaths and big smiles. Suitable for years 1-4 Lympstone Primary.
Restorative Yoga:
Restorative Yoga is for those wanting a very nurturing class with held poses and long relaxation. It is suitable for those wishing to aid their recovery from whatever physical or mental difficulties they have been experiencing.
These sessions are slow, with long holds in restful poses to reduce stress and to encourage healing. The class ends with a 10-15 minute guided relaxation to aid recovery and rejuvenate you for your day ahead. Please note all medical/health conditions and injuries should be communicated with Claire prior to attending class.
Evening Yoga:
Evening Yoga is a friendly and welcoming group of new and experienced yogis to help you stretch and strengthen.
Claire’s classes are holistic and focus on the restorative benefits of a physical practice with breathwork. Her dynamic stretches focus on linking mind and body in a flowing class. Drawing on eastern wisdom, you might find some chanting, meditation and guided relaxation practices in these sessions. Suitable for both beginners and more experienced yogis.
Get in Touch
Email: claire@2oaksyoga.co.uk
Telephone: 07957 142423
To book: 2oaksyoga.co.uk/book-a-class
Website: 2oaksyoga.co.uk